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UPS and FedEx Reinstate their Money Back Guarantee on Select Services

By Gavin Creado on

In March of 2020, both UPS and FedEx suspended their money back service guarantee due to the impact from COVID-19. It was stated that the unprecedented complexities and the daily issuance of work and travel restrictions from local, state, and national governments around the world were impacting the carriers’ ability to meet, let alone guarantee, standards of service. That was true for all business at that time. Shippers were all impacted, especially those shipping perishable products.

As 2020 progressed, shippers continued to struggle with financial impacts as the carriers imposed additional fees. FedEx and UPS followed each other’s lead with peak surcharges, restrictions on volume for large shippers, and additional fees throughout the year. And now in 2021, shippers face the annual general rate increase as well.

Finally there is some good news this past week as both UPS and FedEx reinstated their service guarantee only on select services.

Package Rascal offers decades of experience in the package and postal processing space. Consulting services to help small business save money and time.

Package Rascal has no affiliation with anyone mentioned in this article. Please refer to the original article as posted and credited above.

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